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For questions about GynoCart™, GynoCompact™ or to place an order, please contact us in one of the following ways:
E-mail: info@retrofitmedical.com
625 West 57th St. Unit 2702
New York, NY 10019
Phone: 1-800-288-1950
Partner with RetroFit:  

We invite physician inventors to contact RetroFit if they would like assistance in bringing their device or concept to market.  Please do not disclose your device or concept until you have reviewed and signed a Mutual Confidentiality Agreement. This agreement says we will not disclose information regarding your idea without your permission. Together we will review your device and decide if it's suitable for market.  If needed, we will help you patent your device and our design engineers will create a prototype. Finally, we can help sell  your device to the most ideal target market. 


   © 2017 RetroFit, LLC. GynoCart™ Patent #D512149S